Day 3 last week -April
30-04-2020 Day 3 Good Morning Students Let us say the Prayer -OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN-aloud Move and exercise to- 7:45-7:55-AQAD click on this link Pl go to the class 3 label on the top right hand PLEASE NOTE:Keep your Seasons Reader and notebooks ready.In case you are using loose sheets kindly put the date and keep it in a folder which should be given to the teacher on coming back . 1st Period -MATHS L.O- Apply the concepts learnt in the past weeks. Boys, watch this video to know how to make the largest number with given digits- Now see this to understand how to make the smallest number from the given digits- Now complete this exercise in your Maths CW. Now that you have learnt it,open page 89 of your S...